Thinking “between”: towards a logos that is incarnated and committed to social reality
Μεταξύ (metaxu) , intermediary , mediation , relationship , balance of opposites, TrinityAbstract
This article seeks to break down, in broad outline, some key points of a "relational thinking" that is inspired by Weilian philosophical meditation on the Platonic term “μεταξύ”, that is, intermediary, mediation or, more simply, “between”. From this notion, Simone Weil develops a reflection that conceives of the whole of existence as a harmonious relationship among different entities and, as such, a reflection of a transcendent principle that is also, in itself, a relationship. Starting from this relational conception of things, the between can also reveal itself as a privileged place for the giving of an authentic philosophical exercise, that is to say, in accordance with the profound reality of being. It is a dialogical, humble and incarnated thinking, which does not close in on itself - but which is not reduced to a binary and group logic either - but which, on the basis of its full and sincere openness to the other/Other, is able to look at the historical reality in which it finds itself, with all its contradictions, and to commit itself concretely to it, starting with those who are most vulnerable.
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