Vol. 34 No. 66 (2017): Revista Yachay n° 66

Yachay N° 66

This edition of Yachay features six articles. The first is the result of the Theological Symposium of the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" held from October 10th to 12th, focusing on theological-pastoral innovation regarding marriage and family in Pope Francis' teachings. Following are two texts presented at the Conference of Catholic Institutions of Theology (COCTI) at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" and at the headquarters of the Universidad Católica Boliviana, Cochabamba region, from September 21st to 23rd, discussing theological activities in ecclesiastical faculties of theology. Then, there are two articles addressing liturgical issues aimed at strengthening the faith of believers: one on sacred music and another on the Christian calendar. The final essay is a narratological analysis of a text from the prophet Jeremiah.

Published: 2017-12-15