Vol. 35 No. 68 (2018): Revista Yachay n° 68

Tapa n°68

The articles in this edition of Yachay present a diversity of topics that converge on some key points. The Theological Symposium "Gaudete in Domino" took place at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" from September 18th to 20th, with lectures given by the eminent Argentine philosopher and theologian Juan Carlos Scannone, on certain questions of Pope Francis' Magisterium based on his already published texts, which is why we present them here as transcripts of the audios, slightly edited. In addition, the Apostolic Nuncio in Bolivia, Archbishop Angelo Accattino, offered a lecture with the same title as the aforementioned Symposium. On October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we had the ceremony of Doctor honoris causa for Thomas Kornacki, distinguished for his pastoral and academic achievements after a long career, and we reproduce the speech of the newly appointed doctor around the main theologians and historians who have inspired him and inspire him in the teaching of theology. Following are three articles that deal with the impact of teaching Christian anthropology on university students, the vocation to love and care for others, and the universal call to love as Christianity's most significant contribution to a plural world.

Published: 2018-12-14