
  • Tapa Yachay n.80

    Revista Yachay n° 80
    Vol. 41 No. 80 (2024)

    The present issue of *Yachay* contains four articles, two miscellaneous texts, and one book review, all of which invite readers to reflect on how we live and how we aspire to live. The first article serves as a strong call to attention for the leaders of Bolivia on the eve of the country's bicentennial, critiquing the destructive environmental policies that continue to be promoted without concern for the tragic legacy left for future generations. It urges the adoption of a new paradigm. The second article focuses on the urgency of a holistic ecological conversion, emphasizing a missionary spirituality that inspires transformed communal practices for the care of *La Casa Común* (the Common Home). The third article offers a biblical study that sheds light on the use of rhetorical strategies to persuasively communicate a compelling message to the Christian community at a time when oral communication of written texts was privileged. The final article addresses the construction of truly democratic societies through pedagogical processes that foster critical consciousness. In the miscellaneous section, the first text reflects from the Bolivian context, highlighting the importance of engaging in philosophical inquiry as a means to strengthen identities and build the kind of society we aspire to create moving forward. The second text consists of an interview with an author who introduces a new hermeneutic approach to Nietzsche's work. The reviewed book gathers pastoral dreams from diverse perspectives, offering a thoughtful reflection on faith, mission, and community engagement.

  • Yachay N° 79

    Revista Yachay n° 79
    Vol. 41 No. 79 (2024)

    In this issue of Yachay, we publish four articles, three miscellaneous texts, and four book reviews. The articles focus on applied ethics, explored across various dimensions: the compassionate ethos of the people of Israel and the Church; Kantian ethics and its relevance for political peace in current times; the Social Doctrine of the Church advocating sustainable development in response to certain biotechnological advances; and an integral ecology grounded in ethical criteria. The Miscellaneous section begins with a literary exploration of death from an Amazonian worldview; followed by a consideration of the meanings of a "holy" mountain for different groups; and concludes with a text addressing the challenging issue of human trafficking and the necessity for collaborative efforts against this crime. Three out of the four book reviews are related to mission and indigenous peoples; the last is an essay applying phenomenology to theology.

  • Revista Yachay n° 78

    Revista Yachay n° 78
    Vol. 40 No. 78 (2023)

    This issue of Yachay offers four articles and seven miscellaneous texts covering a variety of topics, as well as four book reviews. Three of the articles provide reflections based on specific stories from the Old Testament: Hannah of Ramah in connection with the women of Cochabamba; creation myths and their hermeneutics for contemporary times; and the story of Noah and its implications for caring for our Common Home. The fourth article examines some paradigms of masculinity in the context of synodal conversion. In the Miscellaneous section, the work of two giants in the Bolivian Church, Miguel Manzanera and Hans van den Berg, is highlighted. The former receives a posthumous tribute; a new publication on ethnological bibliography by the latter is presented, who also gave a masterful lecture on friendship on the occasion of being awarded the honorary degree of Doctor. One author considers the specific contribution of women to environmental healing. A poem expresses the author's experience of God, while another text relates music to theological work. The last piece discusses the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence.

  • Revista Yachay n° 77

    Revista Yachay n° 77
    Vol. 40 No. 77 (2023)

    This issue of Yachay offers five varied articles: two deal with political philosophy from different perspectives, and the other three are of a historical-liturgical, biblical-exegetical, and hermeneutical nature, respectively. Together, they present contrasting anthropological models that invite our reflection and decision-making. From the 16th century to today, the colonizing mentality justifies hegemonic groups seizing lands and natural resources, with a focus on easy economic gains, as well as trampling on the dignity of indigenous peoples and imposing their own cultural and religious patterns on them. Indigenous spiritualities express attitudes and practices of caring for our common home. In our times, the Christian legacy remains alienating for some of these populations, while in intercultural contexts it is recreated and flourishes. The humility of God, who becomes incarnate in Jesus in an intimate approach to human beings, particularly the poorest, proclaiming the Kingdom of peace, justice, and forgiveness, evokes wonder in open hearts and attracts them to the experience of this dynamic of loving self-giving to others. But many people end up diluting or rejecting this project.

  • Revista Yachay n° 76

    Revista Yachay n° 76
    Vol. 39 No. 76 (2022)

    The latest issue of Yachay focuses on the dynamic relationship between theology and pastoral work in the context of the current synodal process in the Catholic Church, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. The articles explore topics such as the reciprocity between theology and pastoral work, the concept of ecclesial conversion, pastoral care for families, compassionate service for non-believers, the biblical figure of Rahab, and the meaning of Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. The authors emphasize the importance of collaboration and mutual enrichment between theology and pastoral work, as well as the need for a renewed focus on listening to the experiences and needs of people to develop more relevant pastoral responses.

  • Revista Yachay n° 75

    Revista Yachay n° 75
    Vol. 39 No. 75 (2022)

    This issue of Yachay gathers four presentations from the Philosophical Conference "The Place of Thought: Projections of a Situated Thinking," held virtually on April 20th and 21st, 2022, in a collaboration between the Faculty of Theology San Pablo, Cochabamba, Bolivia, and the Istituto Universitario Sophia, Florence, Italy. Two of the presentations directly address the topological limit of thought, the "between," which leads us to engage with people who suffer; one presentation addressed the topic in general terms and the other from the thought of Simone Weil. A third presentation delves into the reality of suffering in the light of Christ crucified. From philosophizing about inclusive societal projects, the fourth text acknowledges the historical mistreatment of indigenous peoples in Bolivia. A final article discusses the conditions of possibility for an authentic aesthetic judgment based on the natural knowledge of God, according to Duns Scotus.

  • Revista Yachay n° 74

    Revista Yachay n° 74
    Vol. 38 No. 74 (2021)

    This issue of Yachay collects five articles of various genres, woven together by a common thread: the integral value of human life, particularly the lives of groups that are often marginalized in society and/or in the Church. The articles address this theme from a philosophical analysis of biopolitics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; from a theological-pastoral reflection on the synodal process of the Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean; from a biblical study that highlights the radical equality of all people before the Spirit of God; from a contemplation of three peoples in the region of the Southern Andes in their interactions with their geographical environment and their religious beliefs; and from a phenomenological consideration that invites us to recognize the revelation of Life that is God, which is given to us and fulfilled.

  • Revista Yachay n° 73

    Revista Yachay n° 73
    Vol. 38 No. 73 (2021)

    This issue of Yachay is dedicated to commemorating the Jubilee of the Higher Institute of Theological Studies (ISET), instituted in Cochabamba by the Bolivian Episcopal Conference in 1969, launched in 1971, incorporated into the Bolivian Catholic University (UCB) in 1976, and transformed into the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" (FTSP) in 2012. It is an opportunity to gratefully remember fifty years of training generations of young people in philosophy and theology to deepen their service as pastoral agents, in most cases being a crucial step on the path to ministerial ordination; as well as the preparation for scientific research of postgraduate students in the specialties of Missiology, Pastoral Theology, and Spiritual Theology. This work is a significant service to the Church in Bolivia, amplified by its welcoming of students from other denominations and countries, as well as by the international character of a good number of its teachers.

  • Revista Yachay n° 72

    Revista Yachay n° 72
    Vol. 37 No. 72 (2020)

    This edition of Yachay offers five eclectic articles, covering religious phenomenology, non-religious spiritualities, biblical spirituality, prophethood, and the contributions of the theology of the people to the theology of mission. The common thread that unites them is the experience of transcendence, of divinity named in various ways, which helps us discover our most authentic selves and entrusts tasks to us: allowing ourselves to be soaked in Mystery, being messengers of the Judeo-Christian God, and implanting the values of the Kingdom.

  • Revista Yachay n° 71

    Revista Yachay n° 71
    Vol. 37 No. 71 (2020)

    This issue of Yachay presents a variety of texts in the fields of philosophy, theology, and culture. From these perspectives, the articles address four main themes. Starting from the ecological crisis and the multiple repercussions of the pandemic that has devastated the planet in this year 2020, there is an inquiry into what kind of world we want to build. This questioning also undertakes an evaluation of technology and the virtual world in their evolution as a new anthropological paradigm, and in their potential consequences of dehumanizing enslavement or as instruments in service of life. It is recognized that literary art enables knowledge that goes beyond what reason or technology provides; this art, as well as the contemplation of the wonders of nature, inevitably contributes to reflection on the meaning of our existence. Finally, two themes propose a renewal of ecclesial life: on one hand, the protagonism of women based on a study of the Gospel of John; and, on the other hand, virtual reality as a stimulus for new research in the understanding and practice of sacraments.

  • Revista Yachay n° 70

    Revista Yachay n° 70
    Vol. 36 No. 70 (2019)

    This issue of Yachay gathers the main presentations from the III Symposium on Missiology that took place at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" from September 9th to 10th, 2019, under the theme "Synodality: Socio-Ecclesial Reality and Missionary Perspectives in Latin America," as well as other texts related to this topic.

  • Tapa n°69

    Revista Yachay n° 69
    Vol. 36 No. 69 (2019)

    In this issue of Yachay, the first three articles revolve around the human and humanization: firstly, in a philosophical consideration of what it means to become human, which is also based on the Gospel; then, in a theological reflection on a pastor who loves his people to the point of giving his life for them; and finally, in a meditation on the humanization of politics. Following these are three articles on various topics: an analysis of the current Western political situation; a look at some ancient Andean civilizations from a political-religious perspective and their influence to this day; and a defense of the prohibition of the administration of the sacrament of ordination to women from an unusual argument

  • Tapa n°68

    Revista Yachay n° 68
    Vol. 35 No. 68 (2018)

    The articles in this edition of Yachay present a diversity of topics that converge on some key points. The Theological Symposium "Gaudete in Domino" took place at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" from September 18th to 20th, with lectures given by the eminent Argentine philosopher and theologian Juan Carlos Scannone, on certain questions of Pope Francis' Magisterium based on his already published texts, which is why we present them here as transcripts of the audios, slightly edited. In addition, the Apostolic Nuncio in Bolivia, Archbishop Angelo Accattino, offered a lecture with the same title as the aforementioned Symposium. On October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we had the ceremony of Doctor honoris causa for Thomas Kornacki, distinguished for his pastoral and academic achievements after a long career, and we reproduce the speech of the newly appointed doctor around the main theologians and historians who have inspired him and inspire him in the teaching of theology. Following are three articles that deal with the impact of teaching Christian anthropology on university students, the vocation to love and care for others, and the universal call to love as Christianity's most significant contribution to a plural world.

  • Tapa n°67

    Revista Yachay n° 67
    Vol. 35 No. 67 (2018)

    The articles in this edition of Yachay revolve around the axis of demystifying contemporary narratives that support certain socio-political, philosophical, or religious ideologies. The perennial quest for truth involves clarifying and renewing philosophical and theological approaches, seeking to avoid falling into heresies or becoming trapped by ideas that serve sectional interests. Philosophy is not confined to speculation but rather seeks to apply its principles in life. Likewise, theological reflections on the realities of the world in light of the sources of Christian revelation uphold the ecclesial mission to proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God among the peoples (cf. LG 5). The authors of the articles critically interpret the available data, contributing to a permanent process of research and dialogue

  • Yachay N° 66

    Revista Yachay n° 66
    Vol. 34 No. 66 (2017)

    This edition of Yachay features six articles. The first is the result of the Theological Symposium of the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" held from October 10th to 12th, focusing on theological-pastoral innovation regarding marriage and family in Pope Francis' teachings. Following are two texts presented at the Conference of Catholic Institutions of Theology (COCTI) at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" and at the headquarters of the Universidad Católica Boliviana, Cochabamba region, from September 21st to 23rd, discussing theological activities in ecclesiastical faculties of theology. Then, there are two articles addressing liturgical issues aimed at strengthening the faith of believers: one on sacred music and another on the Christian calendar. The final essay is a narratological analysis of a text from the prophet Jeremiah.

  • Tapa n.65

    Revista Yachay n° 65
    Vol. 34 No. 65 (2017)

    This issue of Yachay begins with the texts of two presentations from the Philosophical Day of the “San Pablo” Faculty of Theology, which took place on April 19, 2017, and reflected on the theme: From the Experience of Existential Void to Hope. Following that are three articles that address this issue from the perspectives of thinkers Hannah Arendt, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Edith Stein. A sixth article considers community ethics in the complementary representations of Karl Otto Apel and Marciano Vidal. Finally, a heartfelt expression of gratitude and reflection on the meaning of the word "thank you" is presented on the occasion of the awarding of the honorary title Doctor honoris causa to Father Jesús Moreno Led.

  • Tapa n.64

    Revista Yachay n° 64
    Vol. 33 No. 64 (2016)

    This volume of Yachay is inspired by the Year of Mercy, which lasted from December 2015 to November 2016. From September 26 to 28, the Theological Symposium of the "San Pablo" Faculty of Theology took place in Cochabamba, under the title "Merciful like the Father." This issue presents the main papers from the Symposium and other related articles that outline the biblical-theological foundations of mercy, as well as some applications in practice. It concludes with an article on group pastoral care.