Creation and Covenant in the Old Testament from Noah and the flood event: a reflection for the care of Creation




Creation, Covenant, Noah, ecological crisis, ecological consciousness


The text discusses the relationship between Creation and Covenant in the Old Testament, focusing on the story of the flood and Noah. God creates the world for the purpose of establishing a covenant with humanity and all creation. The story of the flood is interpreted as an act of restoration of this covenant after sin corrupted human nature. On this basis, the importance of an ecological consciousness based on the relationship between the Creator and creation is recognised, emphasising that the covenant with Noah is a universal covenant that includes all creatures. A fresh look at this story is given in line with creation and covenant as a call to take action to address the current ecological crisis and to take responsibility for the care and preservation of creation, recognising the interconnectedness of all living beings on earth.


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Author Biography

Camila Villarroel, Universidad Católica Boliviana

She is a Bolivian laywoman. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in Theology from the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". Currently, she is pursuing a Master's degree in Missiology at the Institute of Missionology of the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo", and a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Cochabamba.


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Creación y Alianza en el Antiguo Testamento a partir de Noé y el acontecimiento del diluvio: una reflexión para el cuidado de la creación



How to Cite

Villarroel, C. (2023). Creation and Covenant in the Old Testament from Noah and the flood event: a reflection for the care of Creation. Yachay, 40(78), 65–88.