Hannah of Ramah in Santa Vera Cruz: an alternative to narratives about women from Cochabamba
Woman, Cochabamba, Hannah of Ramah, narratology, KairósAbstract
Traditional narratives about the women of Cochabamba, Bolivia, appear not to promote decent living conditions for the women of this region. In contrast, the narrative of Hannah of Ramah, in the biblical text and in the derived traditions, seems to contain elements that project her as someone who acts freely and is admired and respected. That is to say, traits that could be inspiring, if not challenging. However, narratological studies lead us to think that a narrative alone is not effective, but that it depends on another factor in order to be so. In that sense, this article proposes the consideration that the most important factor is a favorable context, and that for the story of Hannah of Ramah in Cochabamba, this is the festival of Santa Vera Cruz Tatala.
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