The aura in Walter Benjamin, in the perspective of sacred music


  • Pablo Martínez Universidad Católica Boliviana



Walter Benjamin, sacred music, listening, aura, technology


The quality of listening to a piece of sacred music in person is compared to a recording through the concept of "aura" according to the German philosopher Walter Benjamin, and its implications for the motivation of the faithful's faith. In order for sacred music to fulfill its function, it is necessary to recover the appropriate times and spaces for its true listening.


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Author Biography

Pablo Martínez, Universidad Católica Boliviana

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo and is currently pursuing postgraduate studies at the same institution. He shares a profound interest in sacred music and the Baroque musical production of Bolivia. He is the author of several articles.

The aura in Walter Benjamin, in the perspective of sacred music



How to Cite

Martínez, P. (2017). The aura in Walter Benjamin, in the perspective of sacred music. Yachay, 34(66), 99–114.