Role of the Theology Faculty in Catholic Universities in the situation of the human person and society in our times


  • Leonardo Agostini Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro



Theology Faculty, Document of Aparecida, indigenous peoples, the poor, socio-pastoral projects


The role, nature, identity, and mission of the Faculty of Theology in Catholic Universities are considered within the current Latin American contexts. An integral formation is expected where faith engages with reason and culture, while simultaneously promoting socio-pastoral projects for indigenous peoples and the poor.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Agostini, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro

Leonardo Agostini is a philosopher and professor specializing in Ethics and Political Philosophy. He currently serves as the coordinator of the Philosophy program and director of the School of Humanities at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). He also teaches in various specialization courses, covering subjects such as research methodology, ethics, philosophy, bioethics, and spirituality. Agostini coordinates specialization courses in Human Rights, Social Responsibility, and Global Citizenship, as well as Spiritual Accompaniment at PUCRS. Additionally, he is an advisor for University Extension at the Pro-Rectorate for Extension and Community Affairs (PROEX-PUCRS). As an author, he has written books including "O amor e seus tempos" (Love and Its Times), "Estudos sobre Kant" (Studies on Kant), and "Como estudar e aprender: manual prático para um estudante" (How to Study and Learn: Practical Manual for a Student). Agostini has also contributed articles to newspapers, technical publications, and has conducted numerous lectures and teacher training courses.

Role of the Theology Faculty in Catholic Universities in the situation of the human person and society in our times



How to Cite

Agostini, L. (2017). Role of the Theology Faculty in Catholic Universities in the situation of the human person and society in our times. Yachay, 34(66), 79–97.