The reception of the Second Vatican Council’s ecumenical theology in Latin American magisterial documents from Medellín (1968) to Aparecida (2007)




Ecumenism, Vatican II, Reception, CELAM, Dialogue


The article provides a reading of the theological locus of ecumenism in the documents of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate from the ecumenical perspective of the Second Vatican Council. It examines the documents of Medellín (1968), Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992), and Aparecida (2007), seeking elements that help to emphasize the importance of living ecumenism as an evangelical, Trinitarian, and baptismal requirement.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Chilean. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Education - Teacher of Religion and Philosophy from the Catholic University of Maule. His Bachelor's thesis in Education addressed "Discernment as a pedagogical proposal in light of the historical Mystery of the Incarnation," approved with a grade of 7.0 (Highest Distinction). He was recognized as the top student of his class upon graduation. In 2014, he validated his Bachelor's degree in Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In 2015, he began his graduate studies - Master's in Fundamental Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since 2014, he has been a teacher of Ethics at the Santo Tomás Technical Training Center - Professional Institute, Rancagua Campus - Chile.

The reception of the Second Vatican Council’s ecumenical theology in Latin American magisterial documents from Medellín (1968) to Aparecida (2007)



How to Cite

Espinosa Arce, J. P. (2018). The reception of the Second Vatican Council’s ecumenical theology in Latin American magisterial documents from Medellín (1968) to Aparecida (2007). Yachay, 35(67), 25–46.