


The articles in this edition of Yachay focus on the demystification of contemporary narratives that support certain socio-political, philosophical, or religious ideologies. The perpetual quest for truth involves clarifying and renewing philosophical and theological approaches, seeking to avoid falling into heresies or being trapped by ideas that serve sectional interests. Philosophy goes beyond mere speculation; rather, it seeks to apply its principles in everyday life. Similarly, theological reflections on the realities of the world in light of the sources of Christian revelation support the Church's mission to announce and establish the Kingdom of God among peoples (cf. LG 5). The authors of the articles presented critically interpret the available data, contributing to an ongoing process of research and dialogue.


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Author Biography

Eileen FitzGerald, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Bachillerato en Veterinaria de la University College Dublin, Irlanda; bachillerato eclesiástico en Teología del Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dublín, Irlanda; licenciatura eclesiástica en Teología por la Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE), Belo Horizonte, Brasil; y un Doctorado (eclesiástico y civil) en Teología por la misma FAJE. Imparte cursos de formación y asesoramiento teológico en su congregación religiosa. Participa en proyectos de investigación de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas y de la FAJE.




How to Cite

FitzGerald, E. (2018). Presentation. Yachay, 35(67), 5–11. Retrieved from