Magisterium of Pope Francis: theology of the people; social ethics


  • Juan Carlos Scannone Universidad del Salvador



The Theology of the People, Liberation, Pope Francis, Poor, Mercy, Discernment


The article shows that at the theological roots of Pope Francis lies the Theology of the People. The first part of the text delves into the emergence of the Theology of the People, describing some of its characteristics. The second part of the text presents Pope Francis's social ethics in terms of mercy, the priority of the poor, and discernment.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Scannone, Universidad del Salvador

(Buenos Aires, September 2, 1931). Argentine Jesuit, PhD in Philosophy from the University of Munich, Bachelor in Theology from the University of Innsbruck, disciple of Karl Rahner and Bernhard Welte, he was one of the founders of Liberation Theology and became a reference for the Argentine school of the Theology of the People, the option for the poor from a Christian commitment. He carried out his pastoral work in a working-class neighborhood in Greater Buenos Aires and was one of the most influential professors of Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis. Author, editor, and co-author, his books are the source of his reflections and the channel for transmitting his evangelical commitment.

Magisterium of Pope Francis: theology of the people; social ethics



How to Cite

Scannone, J. C. (2018). Magisterium of Pope Francis: theology of the people; social ethics. Yachay, 35(68), 11–48.