"Only the baptized male validly receives sacred ordination" (CIC 1024): contingency as a Key Interpretation





God, Ordination to the priesthood, Women, Contingency, Free choice


The article addresses the question of the possibility of ordaining women as priests in the Catholic Church. Contingency is proposed as a decisive argument for restricting priestly ordination to males based on sacramental symbolism and three texts from Sacred Scripture: Gn 4:1-16; Lk 2:1-20; Jn 1:1-18, demonstrating that God's choice is free and has consequences for humanity.


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Author Biography

Osvaldo Robles Segovia, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Dominican friar. Bachelor in Biblical Theology; studied at the Catholic University Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany. Teacher at the Faculty of Theology San Pablo, Bolivian Catholic University.

"Only the baptized male validly receives sacred ordination" (CIC 1024): contingency as a key to interpretation



How to Cite

Robles Segovia, O. (2019). "Only the baptized male validly receives sacred ordination" (CIC 1024): contingency as a Key Interpretation. Yachay, 36(69), 111–122. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.20196969