Sacred Mountains and adobe Pyramids in the Religious Practices of the Northern Coast of Peru




Peru, Ancient civilizations, Rituals, Sacrifices


The article describes the rites, customs, and sacrifices offered to certain deities in the civilizations of the northern coast of Peru. It details the characteristics of rituals to the mountain god of the Moche culture; the artisanal and ritual characteristics of the Lambayeque culture and the Chimú civilization; and the sorcery practices of the northern region.


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Author Biography

María Constanza Ceruti, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires, Researcher at CONICET, and Full Professor at the Catholic University of Salta. Gold Medal in Anthropology and Archaeology from UBA. PhD in History from the National University of Cuyo. Author of twenty-five books and over a hundred scientific papers on sacred mountains. Gold Medal from the International Society of Woman Geographers, Honorary Doctorate in Humanities and Letters from Moravian College, and Distinguished Lecturer in Anthropology from the University of West Georgia.

Sacred mountains and adobe pyramids in the religiosity of the north coast of Peru



How to Cite

Constanza Ceruti, M. (2019). Sacred Mountains and adobe Pyramids in the Religious Practices of the Northern Coast of Peru. Yachay, 36(69), 94–110.