Sin voluntad ética, no hay bien común político




Common Good, Politics, Politicians, Greater Good, Ethical will


The article analyzes the nature of the Common Good. It traces a historical journey of its concept from Aristotle to the personalist philosophers of the 20th century. It is observed that the primary task of politics today is to humanize itself. Consequently, the demand arises for humanized politicians or politicized humans. To achieve this, three perspectives of the Common Good are explored: as a principle of true social participation, under the regime of the invisible hand, and ethical will that encompasses the Common Good as the Greater Good.


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Author Biography

Luis Ignacio Ponce de León, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Luis Ignacio Ponce de León (born in Sucre, 1958) studied chemical engineering at the University of Concepción, Chile, and worked many years in the field of technology. He graduated in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the Bolivian Catholic University. He is a lecturer in philosophical anthropology, philosophy of nature, and modern philosophy history at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" of the same university. He has published a dozen articles in the university journals of his alma mater.

Without ethical will, there is no political common good



How to Cite

Ponce de León, L. I. (2019). Sin voluntad ética, no hay bien común político. Yachay, 36(69), 53–72.