Óscar Romero: Prophetic Spirituality as a Response to the Reality He Lived: Some Insights for Our Time





Óscar Romero, Spiritual experience, Political situation, Prophetic spiritual, People of God, Word of God


The article contextualizes the political and social situation experienced by the Archbishop of San Salvador, Mons. Oscar Romero, during the years 1977-1980. It follows the thread of coffee production; then it presents the Archbishop's accounts which allow a deeper understanding of his spiritual experience. These accounts reveal three qualities of his prophetic spirituality in the face of the events that occurred in his nation: embodying the people; a man of the Word of God; love and fidelity to God's cause. It concludes by briefly presenting the relevance of Mons. Romero's message for our times.


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Oscar Romero, prophetic spirituality as a response to the reality that he lived: some guiding lights for our times



How to Cite

Castillo Villanueva, J. R. (2019). Óscar Romero: Prophetic Spirituality as a Response to the Reality He Lived: Some Insights for Our Time. Yachay, 36(69), 31–52. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.20196965