Towards an aesthetic experience as mysticism: prolegomena of a trans-subjective universal aesthetic judgement in Duns Scotus




Scotus , univocity , primum cognitum , trans-subjectivity


This article takes up one of the fundamental aspects of Scotist metaphysics, namely: the univocity of the concept of being, “a true revolution in the history of metaphysics”, according to H. Salinas, because it inaugurated the possibility of establishing it as science: God could be intelligible in the intelligibility of the creature. Within the framework of the question about the implications in the aesthetic field that such a metaphysical approach could have, after a brief introduction about the centrality of the Opus Oxoniense, the essay addresses progressively the questions about the Scotist concept of the univocity of being and of the primum cognitum; the concept of the primum cognitum as ens logicum; that of ens verum as a horizon of universal validity; and, by way of conclusion, being as ens pulchrum, a concept to which, as a transcendental, corresponds an immanent universal trans-subjective aesthetic judgment that allows us to understand the aesthetic experience as mystical experience.


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Author Biography

Wilson Zarko Vasquez Valenzuela, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Born in La Paz, Bolivia, he studied Philosophy and Theology at UCB and FTSP (Cochabamba, Bolivia), and Sacred Scriptures at PIB (Rome, Italy), EBAF (Jerusalem, Israel), and SBF (Jerusalem, Israel), with a particular focus on biblical and Northwest Semitic languages. Currently, he teaches biblical subjects and biblical languages at FTSP (Cochabamba, Bolivia). His main academic interests lie in biblical wisdom literature, Aramaic texts from Qumran, and Hellenistic Greek from the 1st century BC.


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Hacia una experiencia estética como mística: prolegómenos de un juicio estético universal transsubjetivo en Duns Escoto



How to Cite

Vasquez Valenzuela, W. Z. (2022). Towards an aesthetic experience as mysticism: prolegomena of a trans-subjective universal aesthetic judgement in Duns Scotus. Yachay, 39(75), 129–150.