Doing philosophy from Bolivia: approximation and assessment in six twentieth century thinkers




Doing philosophy from Bolivia , Bolivian social thought in the XX century , multisocietal condition


This article aims to examine in exploratory terms the meaning, content and scope of the philosophical reflection concerned with thinking Bolivia in Alcides Arguedas, Franz Tamayo, Carlos Montenegro, Fausto Reinaga, René Zavaleta Mercado and Luis Tapia. In order to achieve this objective, we first characterise the notion of philosophising from Bolivia. From the analysis of the selected essays of the authors under study, four perspectives for thinking Bolivia were identified. Among the main results are: i) the philosophical frameworks that have contributed to interpreting Bolivian reality in the 20th century were social Darwinism, Third World Marxism and vitalism; ii) both the discourse of revolutionary nationalism proposed by Carlos Montenegro and Fausto Reinaga's indigenism prioritise


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Author Biography

Ramiro Gastón Lobatón Patiño, Universidad Católica Boliviana

He studied Philosophy at the Universidad Católica Boliviana, holds a Master's degree in Teacher Training and Innovation from the University of Barcelona, and a PhD in Social Sciences. He specialized in Educational Sciences at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany. From 2015 to 2020, he worked as an academic and researcher at the Center for Research in Education for Social Justice (CIEJUS) and served as the director of the Master's program in Ethics and Civic Education at the Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile). Currently, he is the coordinator of the Center for Social Sciences Research (CICS) and teaches at the Faculty of Theology and in the Philosophy and Literature program at the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" – Cochabamba Campus (Bolivia). His interests lie in theoretically and empirically examining the ethical and educational challenges posed by emerging democratic society.


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Filosofar desde Bolivia: una aproximación y balance en seis pensadores del siglo XX



How to Cite

Lobatón Patiño, R. G. (2022). Doing philosophy from Bolivia: approximation and assessment in six twentieth century thinkers. Yachay, 39(75), 99–127.