Phenomenology of the crucified body




body , suffering , empathy , phenomenology


The experience of suffering is a challenge for philosophical thought, but not only for this, as in suffering we find precisely the turning point of philosophy and theology. Phenomenology offers a privileged perspective for observing this phenomenon: in fact, it wants to be a “science of experience”. By means of the analyses of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, it is in fact possible to demonstrate that pain, while concealing the experience of the other/Other and that of the giving of meaning, on the other hand reveals its inescapable necessity. This is the thesis we wish to develop in this article. The perspective that we want to address links in an unprecedented way the phenomenological categories of body and empathy, given that they are studied in the horizon of suffering.


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Author Biography

Tommaso Bertolasi, Universidad de Perugia

Bachelor in Philosophy and Ethics of Relations from the University of Perugia (Italy). PhD in Philosophy from USAL – Área San Miguel (Buenos Aires) and from UCC (Córdoba). He has served as a Junior Teaching Professor (JTP) of "Philosophy and Anthropology" and "Ethics and its Foundations" at UCA – Campus del Rosario (Argentina), and has been an honorary lecturer of "Metaphysics" at UCC (Córdoba, Argentina). Currently, he is a post-doctoral researcher at the Instituto Universitario Sophia (Italy), where he is also responsible for the course "Gesù Abbandonato: al cuore dell’evento cristologico" (Abandoned Jesus: at the heart of the Christological event). His research interests focus on philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion. In particular, he studies German phenomenology of Husserl, a topic to which he devoted his doctoral thesis.


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Fenomenología del cuerpo crucificado



How to Cite

Bertolasi, T. (2022). Phenomenology of the crucified body. Yachay, 39(75), 75–98.