The topological dimension of thought: implications of situated thinking




topology, boundary , place , thinking situated , between


In a post-modern philosophical context, where the rejection of the idea of an absolute and totalizing knowledge has given way to a wounded and fragmented cogito, a reflection on the place in which and from which thinking is exercised becomes crucial. Thus, starting from a reflection on the limits of thinking, the question of the place of thinking will be addressed by following the Platonic idea of átopon metaxú and its reinterpretation by some contemporary authors. This will lead to declining the idea of the topos of thinking in a specific way as a place without a place, which is rather a "being-in-between". This will open the door to what will be the decisive contribution of this work, namely a consideration of the question of the place of thinking in three particular domains: epistemological, geo-cultural-historical and ethical-relational. By way of conclusion, we will try to put the reflections and issues raised here in dialogue with the perspective of the so-called "trinitarian ontology", highlighting its possible contributions to the theme of space and the limits of thinking.


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Author Biography

Raúl Buffo, Universidad de Perugia

He holds a law degree from the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Ethics of Relations from the University of Perugia (Italy), and a degree in Trinitarian Ontology from the Instituto Universitario Sophia (Italy). He earned his PhD in Philosophy from the Universities of Florence and Pisa (Italy). Currently, he serves as an assistant at the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Human Sciences at the Instituto Universitario Sophia. He is also responsible for courses on "The Trinitarian Principle, between Theology and Anthropology" and "History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy". His interests focus on hermeneutic philosophy, philosophy of religion, and the dialogue between philosophy and theology. He particularly studies the theme of "recognition" through the lens of Paul Ricoeur's thought, to which he dedicated his doctoral thesis.


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The topological dimension of thought: implications of situated thinking



How to Cite

Buffo, R. (2022). The topological dimension of thought: implications of situated thinking. Yachay, 39(75), 9–43.