Memento vivere et mori




Original revelation , God Un-exalted , Absolute Life , Ordinary Life , Forgetting , Derived Manifestation , Original Manifestation


There isn’t a more favorable time to reflect about life and suffering than times of conflict and crisis which derive from adverse circumstances, whether natural or provoked by human agency. This article proposes a reflection about suffering and life, taking the radical phenomenology of Michel Henry as a source that clarifies the mystery of Life. In every time, beyond tragic circumstances that humanity may or may not experience, it is essential to remember the challenge to live and the need to die. Subdued by life’s cares and fears of death, people lose sight of the beatific vision of true Life which only Faith can give them. Those who suffer, suffer for forgetting the Life that embraces them, without them knowing it.


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Author Biography

Luis Ignacio Ponce de León, Universidad de Concepción

Luis Ignacio Ponce de León (Sucre, 1958) studied chemical engineering at the University of Concepción, Chile, and worked many years in the technology industry. He graduated in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the Universidad Católica Boliviana. He teaches philosophical anthropology, philosophy of nature, and history of modern philosophy at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo" of the same university. He has published a dozen articles in the university journals of his alma mater.


ECKHART Johannes, Tratados y sermones, Las Cuarenta, Buenos Aires 2013.

FERNÁNDEZ Clemente, Los filósofos modernos: selección de textos (I), BAC, Madrid 1976.

HENRY Michel, Yo soy la verdad, Sígueme, Salamanca 2001.

HENRY Michel, La fenomenología radical, la cuestión de Dios y el problema del mal, Encuentro, Madrid 2013.

HENRY Michel, Encarnación: una filosofía de la carne, Sígueme, Salamanca 2018.

INVERSO Hernán, Fenomenología de lo inaparente, Tesis doctoral, Repositorio de la UBA/CONICET, Buenos Aires 2016.

JULLIEN François, Filosofía del vivir, Octaedro, Barcelona 2012.

LEIBNIZ Gottfried, Ensayos de Teodicea: sobre la bondad de Dios, la libertad del hombre y el origen animal, Sígueme, Salamanca 2013.

LEVINAS Emmanuel, Humanismo del otro hombre, Siglo XXI, México 2009.

ANSELMO DE CANTERBURY, Proslogion: sobre la verdad, Folio, Barcelona 2002.

ZUBIRI Xavier, Inteligencia sentiente, Alianza, Madrid 2006.

Memento vivere et mori



How to Cite

Ponce de León, L. I. (2021). Memento vivere et mori. Yachay, 38(74), 169–189.