Notes about an approach to epistemological beliefs




Epistemological beliefs, implicit theories, ideas, knowledge


Research related to the processes of teaching and learning have experienced a change of direction from the teaching/teachercentred conception towards the centrality of learning/student as the articulating core idea. Nevertheless, and considering the difficulties that are generated in the transformation processes, it becomes apparent that there is a need to attend to an element that until now seemingly has not been taken into account: the beliefs of the protagonists in these processes. Thus a first approach is presented to the idea of what is denominated epistemological beliefs and also implicit ideas.


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Author Biography

Luis Alberto Vaca Cuellar, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy (UCB, Cochabamba). Master's degree in Mental Health from the Elizabeth Seton School of Nursing at UCB. Doctorate in Higher Education from the Universidad Mayor Real y Pontifica San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca. Teacher in the fields of Theology and Philosophy.


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Notas en torno a una aproximación a las creencias epistemológicas



How to Cite

Vaca Cuellar, L. A. (2021). Notes about an approach to epistemological beliefs. Yachay, 38(73), 203–231.