The licentiate in Spiritual Theology in St. Paul’s Theology Faculty, Cochabamba: documents, memories and reflections




Congregation for Catholic Education, St. Paul’s Theology Faculty, Higher Institute of Theological Studies, Licentiate, Master, Spiritual Theology, Diploma, Spirituality


This article presents the first sixteen years of the existence of the Licentiate in Spiritual Theology at St. Paul’s Theology Faculty in Cochabamba. The first section treats of the pre-history, that is, the reason for opening this speciality, how its director was nominated, the preparation of the pensum and the setting of the speciality on its feet. The second part deals with history: the licentiate programme, the efforts for the approval of the Diploma, the lecturers who have imparted classes, the students who have participated, and the speciality’s contribution to the Church. The third section looks towards the future, enquiring about the speciality’s continuity and possible challenges it will have to face.


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Author Biography

Walter Guido Viviani, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Franciscan friar. Doctor of Theology specializing in Spiritual Theology from the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome. Director of the Licentiate (Civil Master's) in Spiritual Theology at the Faculty of Theology San Pablo, Universidad Católica Boliviana.


AA.VV. La Teología Spirituale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale OCD, Roma 2001.

ARCHIVO DEL ARZOBISPADO DE COCHABAMBA, Facultad de Teología, Archivador 2. Actas Consejos Directivos 2000-2013.

ARCHIVO DEL ARZOBISPADO DE COCHABAMBA, Facultad de Teología. Archivador 3. Correspondencia 2000-2014.

ARCHIVO PERSONAL DE W. VIVIANI (el autor de este artículo). FACULTAD DE TEOLOGÍA “SAN PABLO”, Estatutos, Cochabamba 2019.

UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA BOLIVIANA, Reglamento de Post-grado, La Paz, 2013.

La Licenciatura en Teología Espiritual en la Facultad de Teología “San Pablo” de Cochabamba: documentos, memorias y reflexiones



How to Cite

Viviani, W. G. (2021). The licentiate in Spiritual Theology in St. Paul’s Theology Faculty, Cochabamba: documents, memories and reflections. Yachay, 38(73), 91–120.