Wolfgang Klafky and Henry Giroux: The principles of the critical-constructive pedagogical approach and their contribution to citizenship education





Citizenship education , Critical-constructive pedagogical approach, Principles, Wolfgang Klafki , Henry Giroux


The main objective of this article is to analyze the contribution of the principles of the critical- constructive approach to citizenship education, which, at a theoretical level, results from the dialectical relationship between education and society present in the assumptions of the critical educational theories of Wolfgang Klafki and Henry Giroux. Despite their differences, these theories articulate the critique of democratic society with an emancipatory education. The methodology used is an analytical investigation from a hermeneutical perspective. The results show that there is an internal relationship between democracy and education mediated by the beneficial effect of promoting analytical and social skills. The principles of radical humanism, emancipation and social democracy, and the political-ethical principle of training in the critical-constructive approach, contribute to exploring a renewed discourse of citizen education. On this basis, training for citizenship cannot be reduced to an instrumental and instructive comprehension of education.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Lobatón, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Ramiro Lobatón studied Philosophy at the Bolivian Catholic University. He holds a Master's degree in Teacher Training and Innovation from the University of Barcelona and a Doctorate in Social Sciences with a specialization in Educational Sciences from Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany. From 2015 to 2020, he served as an academic and researcher at the Center for Research in Education for Social Justice (CIEJUS) and directed the Master's program in Ethics and Civic Education at the Catholic University of Maule (Chile). Currently, he is the coordinator of the Center for Research in Social Sciences (CICS) and a professor at the Faculty of Theology and the Department of Philosophy and Literature at the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo. His research focuses on examining, both theoretically and empirically, the ethical and educational challenges posed by the emerging democratic society.


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Wolfang Klafky y Henry Giroux



How to Cite

Lobatón, R. (2024). Wolfgang Klafky and Henry Giroux: The principles of the critical-constructive pedagogical approach and their contribution to citizenship education. Yachay, 41(80), 135–173. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.202480150