Contributions for a renewed missionary spirituality in times of ecological crisis




Community of Integral Life, Ecological crisis, Ecozoic era, Missionary spirituality, Pope Francis’ magisterium, Contemplation


The call to ecological conversion in Laudato si' is interpreted as a holistic conversion, and therefore spiritual, in order to transition to an ecozoic era (Berry 1991) where the Community of Integral Life is placed at the centre. From the growing consensus that a new era of mission is beginning (Bevans-Schroeder 2004), after presenting the current state of missionary spirituality in the light of recent papal teaching, a renewed missionary spirituality is proposed as Christian ecological spirituality that promotes the fullness of life in an integral way. The article concludes by presenting three ways to activate this renewal: drink from the unique pluriform well of Integral Life, mature an integral contemplation that includes diverse mystical perspectives, share plenitudes of life instead of competing among closed totalities.


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Author Biography

Lucas Cerviño

Lucas Cerviño holds a doctorate in Fundamental Theology and an ecclesiastical licentiate in Missiology. He is an extraordinary professor at the San Pablo Faculty of Theology, Bolivian Catholic University, and at the Center for Philosophical and Theological Studies in Córdoba, Argentina. Originally from Argentina, he currently resides in Mexico at the international center for spirituality and formation "Ciudadela El Diamante," where he serves as co-director. He is a member of the governing council of the Sophia University Institute in Latin America and the Caribbean (Sophia ALC). Additionally, he collaborates with the Biblical-Theological-Pastoral Center of CELAM and the Trinitarian Anthropology group. His work focuses on pluralism and interculturality, the religious phenomenon and interiority, social ethics, and ecological conversion. He is an international speaker and advisor to the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Vatican in Latin America.


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Aportes para una renovada espiritualidad



How to Cite

Cerviño, L. (2024). Contributions for a renewed missionary spirituality in times of ecological crisis. Yachay, 41(80), 53–85.