Christ of the Summit. Historical-cultural aspects of a "holy mountain" in Córdoba, Argentina




Holy mountains, Anthropology, Religiosity, Tourism, Córdoba


The place called The Summit, in the central Argentine mountains, is the scene of crowded visits to Christ the Redeemer and the Way of the Cross, located at an altitude of over 1,250 m. This article focuses on the access, construction and use of the holy place with religious imagery at this high point in the Punilla Valley. This investigation includes participant observation and informal interviews with pilgrims, tourists, residents and souvenir shop owners, as well as museums visits and places of heritage interest. From the ambit of the anthropology of holy mountains, the case study of Christ the Redeemer, of the Summit, lets us delve deeper into the understanding of the role of tourism and popular religiosity in the history of ceremonial places at high altitude in Latin America.


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Author Biography

Constanza Ceruti, Universidad Católica de Salta

Constanza Ceruti holds a Ph.D. in History from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. She is a researcher at CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) and a full professor at the Universidad Católica de Salta. She is a member of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires). She is the author of twenty-five books and over two hundred scientific papers on sacred mountains. Constanza Ceruti has received the Gold Medal in Anthropology and Archaeology from UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). She has also been awarded the Gold Medal by the International Society of Women Geographers, a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Humanities and Letters from Moravian College, and has been recognized as a Distinguished Speaker in Anthropology by the University of West Georgia.


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How to Cite

Ceruti, C. (2024). Christ of the Summit. Historical-cultural aspects of a "holy mountain" in Córdoba, Argentina. Yachay, 41(79), 147–168.