"La metafísica del idealismo alemán (Schelling)" by Martin Heidegger





Philosophy, Metaphysics, Idealism


Review of the book: "La metafísica del idealismo alemán (Schelling)" by M. Heidegger, translated by Alberto Ciria. Herder: Barcelona, 2022


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Author Biography

Osman Choque-Aliaga, Albert-​Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Bolivian, he holds a Master's degree in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia, and a Specialization in Contemporary Philosophy from the same university. He is a doctoral student at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and a scholarship recipient of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). He is a member of the Internationale Nietzscheforschungsgruppe Stuttgart, the Ibero-American Foucault Network, and the Ibero-American Society of Heideggerian Studies.


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págs. ISBN-13 978-349-5491-12-6». RHV. An International Journal

of Philosophy 21 (2023):129-132.


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Der Versuch einer Einleitung». En Heideggers Schelling-Seminar

(1927/28). Die Protokolle von Martin Heideggers Seminar

zu Schellings ‘Freiheitsschrift’ (1927/28) und die Akten des

Internationalen Schelling-Tags 2006, editado por Lore Hühn y Jörg

Jantzen, 3-44. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog 2010.

Heidegger, Martin. El tratado de Schelling sobre La esencia de la

libertad humana (1809). Buenos Aires: Waldhuter 2015.

Heidegger, Martin. La metafísica del idealismo alemán (Schelling).

Barcelona: Herder 2022.

Köhler, Dietmar. «Kontinuität und Wandel. Heideggers Schelling-

Interpretationen von 1936 und 1941». En Heideggers Schelling-

Seminar (1927/28). Die Protokolle von Martin Heideggers Seminar

zu Schellings ‘Freiheitsschrift’ (1927/28) und die Akten des

Internationalen Schelling-Tags 2006, editado por Lore Hühn y Jörg

Jantzen, 163-192. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog 2010.

Lukács, Georg. Die Zerstörung der Vernunft. Berlin: Aufbau 1955.

Mansilla, Hugo Celso Felipe. «Nietzsche y los tópicos del pensamiento

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Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph. Investigaciones filosóficas sobre

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Madrid/Barcelona: Anthropos 1989.

La metafísica del idealismo alemán (Schelling)



How to Cite

Choque-Aliaga, O. (2023). "La metafísica del idealismo alemán (Schelling)" by Martin Heidegger. Yachay, 40(78), 281–288. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.202378112