"The pianist at the shopping center" by Paulo Coelho and doing theology (the theologian) in the current context


  • Tomás Kornaki Universidad Católica Boliviana




Music, Theology, Divine Relevation


Tomás Kornacki presents music as a metaphor for theologians and theological work in his text "The Pianist at the Shopping Center" by Paulo Coelho and doing theology (the theologian) in the current context. He explores the similarities between music and theology, between the musician and the theologian, between the Music Conservatory and the Faculty of Theology. Allegorically, he compares different musical scales with degrees of divine revelation. He highlights some names of both the greats in music and theology as well as well-known figures in the Bolivian context. He concludes by proposing specific places where we are called to do theology currently, with practical suggestions on how to do so.


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Author Biography

Tomás Kornaki, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Franciscan priest, belonging to the Franciscan Province of the "Most Holy Name" in the United States. He obtained a Master's degree from the private Catholic University of the Order of Friars Minor (New York). For over 40 years, he has been a missionary in Bolivia, and for about 20 years, he has been a lecturer at the FTSP of the Bolivian Catholic University in Cochabamba, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate.


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“El pianista en el centro comercial” de Paulo Coelho y el hacer teología (el teólogo) en el contexto actual



How to Cite

Kornaki, T. (2023). "The pianist at the shopping center" by Paulo Coelho and doing theology (the theologian) in the current context. Yachay, 40(78), 195–225. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.202378108

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