Making visible the strength of the feminine to strengthen collective contributions to the healing of the environment and social sphere


  • Patricia García Herández Universidad Católica Boliviana



Femenino, Cuidado, Madre Tierra, Agradecimiento


Patricia García points to the inherent resources in women to care for life in her reflection: "Making visible the strength of the feminine to strengthen collective contributions to the healing of the environment and the social sphere." Both Nature and women are oriented towards nurturing life and have been subjected to abuses. Women's work is often undervalued for being invisible, not remunerated according to capitalist criteria. Drawing from her own experience of grief, the author links self-care, mutual care, and social issues with our treatment of the environment. The figures of the hemorrhaging woman (Mk 5:21-34) and the Syrophoenician woman (Mk 7:24-30) are very inspiring for their tenacity in seeking health, as well as the martyrs for their courage in defending Mother Earth. To promote the care of life and establish alternative communities to consumerist styles, dialogue with male sensitivity as well as with ancestral wisdom and various disciplines is necessary. The figures of Ruth and Naomi remind us of the importance of gratitude.


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Author Biography

Patricia García Herández, Universidad Católica Boliviana

She is a Mexican laywoman who has served until a few months ago as a lay Vincentian and Marian missionary, and in her daily life, she is a mother of two daughters. She sees herself as a life adventurer, restless, observant, and critical of her faith. She is a lover of the figure of Jesus Christ, the Evangelizer of the impoverished of this world, in the way he worked with people seeking their dignification and reintegration into society.


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How to Cite

García Herández, P. (2023). Making visible the strength of the feminine to strengthen collective contributions to the healing of the environment and social sphere. Yachay, 40(78), 165–187.