Dialogues on Friendship


  • Hans van den Berg Universidad Católica Boliviana




Friendship, Dialogues, Elredo of Rievaulx, Cicero


Hans van den Berg, in his keynote address on the occasion of receiving the honorary degree of Doctor honoris causa from the Faculty of Theology San Pablo, Bolivian Catholic University, on April 20, 2023, shares his reflection "Dialogues on Friendship," inspired by his own experiences of friendship in his long years of academic life at the University. He considers three key figures from the Augustinian tradition. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) wrote a book on friendship based on his relationship with Titus Pomponius Atticus, according to which true friendship is based on love; it is interpersonal while also having a social dimension. It is of the highest value, though rare, and it is difficult to maintain throughout life. Cicero presents some laws to care for friendship, but maturity is required. Aurelius Augustine (354-430) knew Cicero's work, and for him, friendship was an existential necessity, exemplified particularly in his relationship with Alipius of Tagaste. He elevated his understanding of friendship to the level of faith, accompanying his intimate and faithful friend in his process of conversion to Christianity. Elredo of Rievaulx (1110-1167) also knew Cicero's work but considered it inadequate because its author did not know Christ. Elredo wrote a book on spiritual friendship, which is true friendship, unlike carnal and worldly friendship. Friendship exists among the good. True friendship is attained through four steps. Van den Berg concludes that, among true friends, the countenance of one is reflected in the other.


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Author Biography

Hans van den Berg, Universidad Católica Boliviana

He is a religious and Catholic priest, born in Haarlem (Kingdom of the Netherlands) in 1937, and joined the Order of Saint Augustine in 1957. He studied Theology, History of Religions, Oriental Languages, and Phenomenology of Religion in Leuven, Nijmegen, Utrecht, and Münster respectively. He arrived as a missionary in Bolivia in 1969. He was the Director of the Emaús Catholic Training Center in Chulumani, South Yungas, Director of the Theology Department at ISET Cochabamba, National Rector of the Bolivian Catholic University, researcher, and teacher. In addition to several books, he has written various articles in publications both in Bolivia and abroad. Some of his works include: Aymara Religious Dictionary, 1985; The Earth Does Not Yield Just Like That: Agricultural Rites in the Religion of Aymara-Christians (doctoral thesis), 1989; Bernardino Pesciotti, OFM (1870-1920): Missionary and Journalist, 2001; Augustine of Hippo, Servant of God, Priest, Bishop, 2003; In Search of a Safe Path, the Land and River Communication between Cochabamba and Mojos (1765-1825), 2008; Missionary Clergy from Santa Cruz among the Yuracarees and Guarayos, (2009); With the Yuracarees (Bolivia): Missionary Chronicles (1765-1825), 2010; History of the Famous Sanctuary of Our Lady of Copacabana and its Miracles, and the Invention of the Cross of Carabuco (Ed. Hans van den Berg and Andrés Eichmann), 2015; Alipio of Tagaste, History and Fiction, 2018; among many others.


Aelredus Rievallensis, De amicitia, http://thelatinlibrary.com/aelredus.html.

Agustín, Cartas (1o) 1-123 (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1986).

Agustín. Cartas (3o) 188-270 (Madrid: Biblioteca de AutoresCristianos, 1991).

Agustín. Confesiones. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2013.

Agustín. «Contra los Académicos». En Obras completas III, 71-190. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2009.

Cicerón, Marco Tulio. La amistad [bilingüe]. La Paz: Librería Editorial “G.U.M.”, 2008.

Elredo. La amistad espiritual. En: http://autorescatolicos.org/misc02/alejandroferreiros01.pdf

Diálogos sobre amistad



How to Cite

van den Berg, H. (2023). Dialogues on Friendship. Yachay, 40(78), 143–163. https://doi.org/10.35319/yachay.202378105