Presentation of Bibliographies of the indigenous peoples of Bolivia by Hans van den Berg


  • José Antonio Rocha Universidad Mayor de San Simón



Indigenous peoples, Indigenous culture, Bibliography, Bolivia


José Antonio Rocha comments on the new publication by Hans van den Berg in his "Introduction" to the public of the Bibliographies of the Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia. Volume I: Peoples of the Andes. Volume II: Peoples of the Lowlands. An intrepid researcher since his youth, Van den Berg began laying the foundations of this monumental work many years ago, with partial bibliographies of various peoples. Rocha emphasizes the encyclopedic nature of the Biographies as well as their indexes that facilitate study.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Rocha, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Quechua, born in 1951. Bachelor's degree in Religious Sciences, UCB, 1982. Master's and Doctorate in Germany (1988; 1998). Full Professor of Social Anthropology (UMSS, 1991-2023). Lecturer in the Anthropology Department (UCB San Pablo, 2021-2022). President of the Regional Academy of the Quechua Language - Cochabamba (2000-2023). Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, UMSS (2012-2015). Vice Chancellor of UMSS (2015). Main publications: The Feast of Santa Vera Cruz Tatita (1982). Agrarian Society and Religion (1990, 2nd edition 2019). From the Cornfield (2018). With the eye in front and with the eye in the back (1999, second edition 2021).


Claros, Edwin. “Biblioteca Etnológica Boliviana y Fondo Bibliográfico de Hans van den Berg: aportes al estudio de la realidad boliviana”. Ciencia y Cultura 24 (2010):

Oporto Ordoñez, Luis. “La construcción de la bibliografía Boliviana”. En Fuentes, Revista de la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional 7/24 (2013):

Van den Berg, Hans. “Entrevista”, en Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos – Facultad de Teología San Pablo: “Memoria Histórica 1971-2021”. Editado por Eileen FitzGerald. Cochabamba: Itinerarios, 2022.

Van den Berg, Hans. Bibliografías sobre los pueblos originarios de Bolivia. Tomo 1: Pueblos de los Andes; Tomo 2: Pueblos de Tierras Bajas. La Paz: Plural, 2022.

Van den Berg, Hans. Llega hasta donde no puedas: las experiencias humanas de Hans van den Berg: memorias. Editado por Carlos Rosso. La Paz: Plural, 2022.

Presentación de las Bibliografias de los pueblos originarios de Bolivia por Hans van den Berg



How to Cite

Rocha, J. A. (2023). Presentation of Bibliographies of the indigenous peoples of Bolivia by Hans van den Berg. Yachay, 40(78), 125–142.