The family in the Latin American and Caribbean Ecclesial Assembly: a reading from the listening process




Ecclesial Assembly , Church , family , diverse realities , listening , accompaniment , welcome , encounter


In the listening process of the Latin America and Caribbean Ecclesial Assembly (2021), the MUHATEC collective assumed responsibility for Forum n° 32: Family. The aim was to welcome the concerns, pains, hopes and dreams of the contemporary family. The contributions presented here are valuable, profound and, above all, leave challenges and tasks for restructuring ecclesial pastoral care and discerning how to do it. It is an accompaniment that requires listening with all the senses and welcoming with tenderness and love, in the style of Jesus, without any kind of exclusion, freeing people from burdens, restoring dignity, healing with words and actions.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Guzmán Rojas, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Letters. Diploma in Teaching in Higher Education from the Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB). Diploma in Interculturality: "Richness and Contributions of Indigenous Peoples", from CEBITEPAL and the Institute of Missionology of the Faculty of Theology San Pablo at UCB. She teaches philosophy at the Faculty of Theology San Pablo and in the Philosophy and Letters program at UCB, Cochabamba. Author of several articles.

Luz María Romero Chamba, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Theology from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Quito. Ecclesiastical Diploma in Missionology from the Faculty of Theology San Pablo at the Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB), Cochabamba. Master's degree in Competency-Based University Teaching, specializing in advising Graduation Projects from UCB. International Master's in Library Services Provision from Educa Business School (Spain). Author of the book "Genio femenino: un nuevo estilo misionero" and several articles.


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The family in the Latin American and Caribbean Ecclesial Assembly: a reading from the listening process



How to Cite

Guzmán Rojas, S., & Romero Chamba, L. M. (2022). The family in the Latin American and Caribbean Ecclesial Assembly: a reading from the listening process. Yachay, 39(76), 73–106.